We hear this mantra from time to time and yet, it still seems to be a relevant saying. Why? I have a few thoughts on this.
First of all, dreaming of what might be possible encourages us to use that gray matter between our ears for more than a place to hold the lyrics of the latest pop song. Dreaming takes us beyond the known and accepted to dare to ask "What if?" and "Why can't we...?" It stirs the creative juices that reside within us, a gift from our creator who knows what is possible. It is because of dreams that we have many, if not all of the advances that we have today.
Dreaming caused a young boy to ask, "Why can't we break free of gravity and reach outer space?" That young man was Robert Goddard who went on to be pivotal in the creation of the rockets that finally broke the barrier to reach outer space.
In like fashion, two brothers in North Carolina (my home state) looked at birds in flight and asked, "Why can't we develop a machine that will allow man to fly through the air?" Wilbur and Orville Wright went on to do just that.
The point, if there must be a point to this posting, is that dreams are a vital part of life. If we dare to dream and then put action and persistence to those dreams, miracles happen. We are gifted by the Almighty with the ability to conceive of things not yet in existence. History also tells us that we can make the impossible possible. I challenge you and ask that you challenge others to be bold. Be daring. Dream BIG! Then make it happen.
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Dare to Dream
We hear this mantra from time to time and yet, it still seems to be a relevant saying. Why? I have a few thoughts on this.
First of all, dreaming of what might be possible encourages us to use that gray matter between our ears for more than a place to hold the lyrics of the latest pop song. Dreaming takes us beyond the known and accepted to dare to ask "What if?" and "Why can't we...?" It stirs the creative juices that reside within us, a gift from our creator who knows what is possible. It is because of dreams that we have many, if not all of the advances that we have today.
Dreaming caused a young boy to ask, "Why can't we break free of gravity and reach outer space?" That young man was Robert Goddard who went on to be pivotal in the creation of the rockets that finally broke the barrier to reach outer space.
In like fashion, two brothers in North Carolina (my home state) looked at birds in flight and asked, "Why can't we develop a machine that will allow man to fly through the air?" Wilbur and Orville Wright went on to do just that.
The point, if there must be a point to this posting, is that dreams are a vital part of life. If we dare to dream and then put action and persistence to those dreams, miracles happen. We are gifted by the Almighty with the ability to conceive of things not yet in existence. History also tells us that we can make the impossible possible. I challenge you and ask that you challenge others to be bold. Be daring. Dream BIG! Then make it happen.
First of all, dreaming of what might be possible encourages us to use that gray matter between our ears for more than a place to hold the lyrics of the latest pop song. Dreaming takes us beyond the known and accepted to dare to ask "What if?" and "Why can't we...?" It stirs the creative juices that reside within us, a gift from our creator who knows what is possible. It is because of dreams that we have many, if not all of the advances that we have today.
Dreaming caused a young boy to ask, "Why can't we break free of gravity and reach outer space?" That young man was Robert Goddard who went on to be pivotal in the creation of the rockets that finally broke the barrier to reach outer space.
In like fashion, two brothers in North Carolina (my home state) looked at birds in flight and asked, "Why can't we develop a machine that will allow man to fly through the air?" Wilbur and Orville Wright went on to do just that.
The point, if there must be a point to this posting, is that dreams are a vital part of life. If we dare to dream and then put action and persistence to those dreams, miracles happen. We are gifted by the Almighty with the ability to conceive of things not yet in existence. History also tells us that we can make the impossible possible. I challenge you and ask that you challenge others to be bold. Be daring. Dream BIG! Then make it happen.
Monday, August 22, 2011
What do you Seek?
In the book of John, John the Baptist points out Jesus to two of his disciples who immediately peel off to follow Jesus. When they come up to him, he asks them one question, "What do you seek?" A friend pointed out last night that this simple question transcends the normal small talk that one is used to. This question goes to the heart of us all.
The reason this question is so profound is that if you don't know what you are seeking in your life, you wander through life with no purpose. As you meander through life aimlessly, you become just a reflection of the goals, dreams and desires of those around you. How can you know who you are and what defiines you if you don't know what your goals are? If you don't know where you are going, how can you know if you are getting close, going the right direction or even if you are going the completely wrong way?
Our goals can be short-term, long-term, and life-long in duration and can apply to various aspects of life. I think I finally have mine set in a manner that works for me, and I will share some of the thought process here in case it will help someone else with figuring out their path.
Life Goal: To serve Jesus well and hear "Well done, good and faithful servant" when I come home to Him.
Career Goal: To write and publish books that point people to Jesus Christ and to strive to live moral lives
Fianancial Goal: To pay off past debts without incurring new ones. Develop secondary income stream.
Relationship Goal: Find and marry the woman that the Lord has set aside for me. Build a godly family.
Those are the big goals. I have to define the smaller stage goals that will get me to these big ones, but I hope you have the idea. Sit down, contemplate what you want out of life and then set the goals and don't let anything stop you from going for them. You might need to reevaluate from time to time, but it's a start.
The reason this question is so profound is that if you don't know what you are seeking in your life, you wander through life with no purpose. As you meander through life aimlessly, you become just a reflection of the goals, dreams and desires of those around you. How can you know who you are and what defiines you if you don't know what your goals are? If you don't know where you are going, how can you know if you are getting close, going the right direction or even if you are going the completely wrong way?
Our goals can be short-term, long-term, and life-long in duration and can apply to various aspects of life. I think I finally have mine set in a manner that works for me, and I will share some of the thought process here in case it will help someone else with figuring out their path.
Life Goal: To serve Jesus well and hear "Well done, good and faithful servant" when I come home to Him.
Career Goal: To write and publish books that point people to Jesus Christ and to strive to live moral lives
Fianancial Goal: To pay off past debts without incurring new ones. Develop secondary income stream.
Relationship Goal: Find and marry the woman that the Lord has set aside for me. Build a godly family.
Those are the big goals. I have to define the smaller stage goals that will get me to these big ones, but I hope you have the idea. Sit down, contemplate what you want out of life and then set the goals and don't let anything stop you from going for them. You might need to reevaluate from time to time, but it's a start.
The Dash
The story goes that an individual was walking through a graveyard reading the various headstones as they passed by. They noticed that all of the stones had one thing in common. There were two dates and separated by a dash. The dates showed when that person was born and when they died. The dash however, the dash is what sparked the imagination.
It seems to me that we all are living out our dash right this moment. If you are reading this, you are in your dash - that period of time between birth and death. What are you doing with your dash? When you pass on from this world, what mark will you leave behind? Will the people who know you remember you with love or scorn? Will you be missed because of how much you cared for others or for what they are no longer able to get from you? Did you use your dash to help only yourself or did you try to improve the lot of others with your talents, skills and abilities?
The dash is just a mad journey through this thing we call life. There is one question that is of utmost importance that must be answered during this period of time: Do you accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior? The period of time after the dash is done hinges on this question. If you aren't sure that you know Him or what He promises and asks of us, do your research. One of His promises is that if we seek Him, we will find Him. No question in life is more important than this one.
It seems to me that we all are living out our dash right this moment. If you are reading this, you are in your dash - that period of time between birth and death. What are you doing with your dash? When you pass on from this world, what mark will you leave behind? Will the people who know you remember you with love or scorn? Will you be missed because of how much you cared for others or for what they are no longer able to get from you? Did you use your dash to help only yourself or did you try to improve the lot of others with your talents, skills and abilities?
The dash is just a mad journey through this thing we call life. There is one question that is of utmost importance that must be answered during this period of time: Do you accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior? The period of time after the dash is done hinges on this question. If you aren't sure that you know Him or what He promises and asks of us, do your research. One of His promises is that if we seek Him, we will find Him. No question in life is more important than this one.
Friday, August 19, 2011
In the End...
Today I attended the funeral of the father of my co-worker and friend. During the course of the service, I heard a great many fond memories related about this man's life and the legacy of kindness and laughter that he passed on to all that knew him. I regret that I did not have a chance to know this man personally. However I realize that in the compassionate, affable nature of his son, I do know a little of him and I am a better person for it.
All in all, I began to think of what others would say of me once my day comes and the Lord calls me home to be with Him for eternity. I have had a personal goal of improving every life that I touch even if it is only by sharing a smile or a word of encouragement. This is a heady goal and one that I know that I may not reach, but if you don't aim high, what will you accomplish?
As much as I desire to live a life that people will remember fondly, I have come to realize that there is one consideration that is more important. While living a life of character and integrity should make a positive impact on the lives of others, the one comment that I most hope to hear after I depart this life is, "Well done, my good and faithful servant." I want to live a life of obedience to the Lord Jesus Christ so that when I stand before Him and He looks at my life he will find that I have lived as He desired. To me, this is what it means to be a Christian and as James, the brother of Christ wrote, a bondservant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ (James 1:1).
One blessing I have is that the two goals are not mutually exclusive. If I am living as the Lord requires, making a positive impact on the lives I touch should be a natural consequence. Hopefully someday as friends and family gather to remember my life, there will more smiles than tears because they know I am being welcomed into the arms of God.
All in all, I began to think of what others would say of me once my day comes and the Lord calls me home to be with Him for eternity. I have had a personal goal of improving every life that I touch even if it is only by sharing a smile or a word of encouragement. This is a heady goal and one that I know that I may not reach, but if you don't aim high, what will you accomplish?
As much as I desire to live a life that people will remember fondly, I have come to realize that there is one consideration that is more important. While living a life of character and integrity should make a positive impact on the lives of others, the one comment that I most hope to hear after I depart this life is, "Well done, my good and faithful servant." I want to live a life of obedience to the Lord Jesus Christ so that when I stand before Him and He looks at my life he will find that I have lived as He desired. To me, this is what it means to be a Christian and as James, the brother of Christ wrote, a bondservant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ (James 1:1).
One blessing I have is that the two goals are not mutually exclusive. If I am living as the Lord requires, making a positive impact on the lives I touch should be a natural consequence. Hopefully someday as friends and family gather to remember my life, there will more smiles than tears because they know I am being welcomed into the arms of God.
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Day One
Day One. This is a constant theory in my life. The old saying from my youth states that today is the first day of the rest of your life. This is really good advice.
Far too often we expend a great deal of energy looking backwards to events, places and people that have caused us pain, heartache, or sorrow. We find ourselves practically living in the past when the Lord is presenting us with new opportunities, new relationships, and new projects that need our attention. There is a verse in the Bible where Jesus warns us that no one can put his hand to the plow while looking back. We have to loosen the fist that clenches tightly to the past in order to open our hands and receive the gifts that today has to offer.
While we are looking at today being day one, a new perspective has revealed itself. As believers in Jesus Christ, we strive every day to live as He lived and to love as He loved. We fail. We will fail often because we cannot live perfectly as He did. This is not a hopeless situation for the believer however. The Bible tells us that His mercies are new every morning. If we blew it yesterday, we have a heavenly father who will forgive us if we ask it of Him and turn away from those old habits and try to follow hard after Him.
Basically, the message of today's little venture upon the soapbox is to remind and encourage my brothers and sisters as well as myself. Yesterday, I blew it. Today, I repented and asked God to forgive me and give me the strength to be obedient. Once again, I took up my cross and attempted to live as my Lord would have me live. Whenever we stumble and fall, just remember that He already paid the price for our sins and shortcomings and still loves us. Today is day one of the rest of our lives and the rest of our walk with Jesus. Step by step. Onward Christian soldier!
Far too often we expend a great deal of energy looking backwards to events, places and people that have caused us pain, heartache, or sorrow. We find ourselves practically living in the past when the Lord is presenting us with new opportunities, new relationships, and new projects that need our attention. There is a verse in the Bible where Jesus warns us that no one can put his hand to the plow while looking back. We have to loosen the fist that clenches tightly to the past in order to open our hands and receive the gifts that today has to offer.
While we are looking at today being day one, a new perspective has revealed itself. As believers in Jesus Christ, we strive every day to live as He lived and to love as He loved. We fail. We will fail often because we cannot live perfectly as He did. This is not a hopeless situation for the believer however. The Bible tells us that His mercies are new every morning. If we blew it yesterday, we have a heavenly father who will forgive us if we ask it of Him and turn away from those old habits and try to follow hard after Him.
Basically, the message of today's little venture upon the soapbox is to remind and encourage my brothers and sisters as well as myself. Yesterday, I blew it. Today, I repented and asked God to forgive me and give me the strength to be obedient. Once again, I took up my cross and attempted to live as my Lord would have me live. Whenever we stumble and fall, just remember that He already paid the price for our sins and shortcomings and still loves us. Today is day one of the rest of our lives and the rest of our walk with Jesus. Step by step. Onward Christian soldier!
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