The story goes that an individual was walking through a graveyard reading the various headstones as they passed by. They noticed that all of the stones had one thing in common. There were two dates and separated by a dash. The dates showed when that person was born and when they died. The dash however, the dash is what sparked the imagination.
It seems to me that we all are living out our dash right this moment. If you are reading this, you are in your dash - that period of time between birth and death. What are you doing with your dash? When you pass on from this world, what mark will you leave behind? Will the people who know you remember you with love or scorn? Will you be missed because of how much you cared for others or for what they are no longer able to get from you? Did you use your dash to help only yourself or did you try to improve the lot of others with your talents, skills and abilities?
The dash is just a mad journey through this thing we call life. There is one question that is of utmost importance that must be answered during this period of time: Do you accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior? The period of time after the dash is done hinges on this question. If you aren't sure that you know Him or what He promises and asks of us, do your research. One of His promises is that if we seek Him, we will find Him. No question in life is more important than this one.
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